Over the next 10 days I have to start preparing for another month in Texas. I won’t go into the politics of it or knowledge from the inside much, but just know things are extremely messed up on so many levels. I just go down there, count down the days till I am back home and dread the next time I have to go back.
One way of getting through the time away from my family, pets, and home is to make a 30-day challenge. Last time my goal was to blog everyday. I did well with it. Some days were harder to come up with ideas. Some days I had so much I wanted to say but would run out of time. I made it though, so look for that to return.
Some other things I can work on is maybe focus on fitness more. After contracting Covid (while on TDY in Texas last May) I have had an increased shortness of breath on longer walks. Habits are hard to start, but maybe if I get through the starting this is one I can work to maintain. I used to walk all over the woods with my dogs. Things changed considerably after they passed. However now there is a new addition to the family that I hope will change that (and it will be warmer when I return too).
I also have a few online courses that expire after a year. I would really like to get those done and be sure they are done before time runs out. This is where the Apple media dongle works so well. I can plug in the iPad and watch the instructional videos. I wrote about this accessory last time. Add a mouse for even better viewing experiences.
Last time I traveled light and made things work. Some work related essentials are heavy and really undermine my one bag per trip ethos. This time in order to achieve my goals better, I am considering taking two bags. One bag really limits my load out. Not only that, but my carryon backpack ends up weighing a ton. To be able to reduce that to just essentials would be nice.
I also have to make up some volunteer hours to maintain my naturalist status in my home state. Hopefully, I can find some projects to do away from home. I am a meme er of Cornell Birds Academy, so I might even do some continuing education. Hell with weekends off, I might even design my own online course.
Why does it seem like I want to do so much and work the 50-60 hours a week. Because sitting in your hotel room becomes toxic. Boredom and TV watching aren’t healthy habits for the human spirit. Looking forward to leaving only adds to the depression of the whole thing until the last week. Then there is a light at the end of the tunnel and you can feel good about counting down. 5…4…3…2…1… Homeward bound!
Even being homeward bound isn’t stress free though. Waiting on flights in this Covid world is like hoping all the Tetris pieces fall just right.
So in about five weeks I’ll have this chapter knocked out and enjoy some time before the next deployment.
Please follow along as this trip passes. I’ll share updates on how my goals are going. I think I will order the extra bag now!