Daily Blog Challenge Homestead Nature Personal TDY Uncategorized

Day 17: The Suburban Homestead

Over the last year I have become more interested in being self-sufficient. I think the political climate has made many people start thinking this way. If you have self-reliance, you have a lot of freedom. This freedom is what many in the government DON’T want you to have.

I really wanted to have a good garden last year, but a different political situation sent me away for the most busiest month of planting and preparing a garden. The spot we had planned to garden will take a little more work to prepare.

More property would be nice, but with the inflated housing market, acreage wasn’t going to be an option. So currently, I am building a model on a small space until I can retire or get out of northwestern Montana for a different area that has affordable land options. The property will have certain requirements to meet my needs. With our smaller model, it gives us the opportunity to learn and try out different things while still on the grid and in civilization.

I have been around a lot of off-grid people. They have awesome setups and a lot can be gleaned from their lessons. Between solar setups and generators, they have reliant power options. Some have gardens and green houses, they cut their own firewood, and these people are just happy overall. They all share a strong sense of community too. Some have a house in town to stay at during the winter. Many of them are living this life in retirement and are 60 years old or beyond that.

Stay tuned as I hope to really get to building out my homestead. I have a great many projects, but I really miss out on getting them done when I get sent away for work 30 days at a time, every three to four months. Someday I will share with you why I have to do that if it doesn’t end anytime soon.

As I do my daily blog challenge, I am throwing a lot of topics out there. I hope you can find something that resonates with you and that you will stick around and continue reading what is of interest to you.

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